about us
History of our company
Pannon Green Power Ltd. was founded in 2015 by 3 Hungarian individuals with extensive experience in the energy and construction industry. Considering the Central and Eastern European energy market and especially the Hungarian energy market, they believed that besides old companies with mainly fossil portfolios, there was a need for a smaller medium-sized company focused on developing, constructing and operating solar power plants.
The company’s owners have previously led renewable energy companies, participated in the creation of the National Energy Strategy, and have been members of international organizations that are at the forefront of promoting innovation in connection with sustainable development.
We consider important to install solar parks that generate positive returns for everyone involved in the development and investment, be it a company, a municipality or a financial investor – as this is the basis of any sustainable business model.
Our vision
What we give to our grandchildren is very important to us. We are responsible for them and for the built world and environment that we leave to them. We represent this responsibility in our work in a way that all our Customers and Partners can have the possibility to rely as much as possible on the opportunities offered by renewable energy sources.
An important goal for us is to carry out development projects financed by our own resources in areas with lower investment attractiveness, so that we can effectively contribute to the regional economic development efforts without depriving them of resources. We attach high priority to the involvement of local entrepreneurs in the implementation process. It is also important for us to keep the business tax revenues in place, thus helping the development of the area.
In our company, a key part of each and every employee’s value system is the preservation of environmental values and the development of future generations’ environmental awareness. This also defines the identity of our company. As a company in the energy market, it is important for us to act as a responsible company and to support the environment around us.
That’s why we decided to seize every opportunity and support the local community with work opportunities, both in construction and operation. The employment of local workforce also reduces the ecological footprint of the operation.
Social responsibilty

Our team
László Zentkó
Managing Director
Edina Budai
Project Manager
István Pócs
Director of Business Development
Rudolf Kerekes
Technical Project Manager
Felicián Gergely
Chief Operating Officer
Anett Illés
Marketing Manager
83, Hűvösvölgyi Street, Budapest 1021
Mailing address: P.O.B. 193/1, Budapest 1525
Social media
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